Sunday, January 20, 2013

Renewing the Vision

Every year, during the first part of January, to kick things of here at Hopital Baptiste Biblique a revival is held specifically for the Togolese hospital employees.  It is a time of rededication and spiritual refreshment.  This year's theme was taken from Romans 12:2 "..... but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind...."

Denis and Beatrice (2 of my nursing students from our last term here) giving a testimony of God's grace and provision for their family.  What a joy to see them now married and serving the Lord!

I was not able to attend the meetings (had to stay home with Aiden), but John took the girls.  From our house, I could hear the singing every morning.  Oh, how it ministered to my heart to hear these sweet people worshiping the Lord.

The emphasis was placed on renewing the vision of HBB which is to share the Gospel by the avenue of modeling the compassion of Christ as we provide compassionate medical care. The work here is not humanitarian. Sure, it does play that role at times. But the SOLE mission of the hospital, staff and missionaries is to reach the lost people of Togo for Christ by providing for their physical needs. We are not just here to heal bodies....we are here to provide healing for the soul through knowing Jesus!

What a great time the revival was to refocus on that goal and to rededicate the work here to reaching the lost for Christ!  Our prayer is that this year, 2013, will prove to be a spiritually fruitful year as we endeavor to share the love of Christ through medicine!

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