Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Nothing but the BLOOD

This morning I went over to the OB clinic for my check up.  While I was there waiting in the little waiting area with the other expectant mothers one of the nurses, Pidenam (who was one of my nursing students from our last term) came in and started talking to all the women.  She began with a prayer and then was speaking in Ewe and just a little French but I figured out that she was doing some prenatal teaching about things like nutrition in pregancy and HIV issues.  She proceeded to talk about blood types and went around and asked all of us what our blood type was....then she went into a full blown Gospel presentation about the blood of Jesus with these 15 pregnant women, several of whom appeared to be Muslim.  I wished I could have taken a picture, but it was such a special moment that I didn't want anything to distract from her message of the blood of Jesus Christ!

As I sat there watching her and seeing her passion in sharing the Gospel with these women, I was so proud of her and thankful that I had the chance to witness such a sweet moment!

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